Here are some handy guides and worksheets to download and explore at home, or in the classroom!
![Help children develop an understanding of what to expect when visiting the dentist.](
This guide helps children develop an understanding of what to expect when visiting the dentist.
This guide helps children understand dental x-rays. During this activity children will understand why x-rays are taken during a dental visit, and what happens during the process.
Esta guía les ayuda a los niños a entender las radiografías (rayos X) dentales. Durante esta actividad, los niños comprenderán por qué se toman rayos X durante una visita al dentista y qué sucede durante el proceso.
Read about some of the tools you might see at a visit to the dentist’s office. Just like a woodworker or an engineer, your dentist uses certain tools to make sure your teeth stay clean and healthy. There is a coloring activity included for extra fun!
A dentist’s office can sometimes feel like a maze! Let’s see if you can find the way without taking a wrong turn. This activity helps children with their fine motor skills while they find their way around to the dental chair.
¡La oficina de un dentista a veces puede sentirse como un laberinto! A ver si puedes encontrar el camino. Esta actividad ayuda a los niños con sus habilidades motoras finas mientras encuentran su camino alrededor de la silla dental.
The What, Why’s and How’s to getting a dental cleaning. This worksheet will give children a detailed explanation of things to expect when going to the dentist for a dental cleaning.
What it is, why you would get it and how it works when it comes to getting a dental cleaning. This worksheet will give children a detailed explanation of what to expect when going to the dentist for a dental cleaning.
Fillings can seem scary, so this worksheet describes what a filling is and why you would need to get a filling. The worksheet also provides a step-by-step procedure of how a filling is done.
This worksheet provides information about what fluoride treatment is, and why you might need this.
This worksheet goes over the different types of x-rays a dentist will perform and the reason the dentist needs these types of x-rays.
Dentist and dental hygienist answer some of the most popular questions kids have about having a healthy smile.
Un dentista y un higienista dental responden algunas de las preguntas más populares que los niños tienen sobre cómo tener una sonrisa sana.
There is no reason to worry when visiting the dentist’s office. The dentist and dental hygienist are friendly. While at your dental visit you may be able to watch TV or even listen to music. Scout is sharing his playlist of songs that he listens when he visits the dentist. He has left some blanks spots to write down your favorite songs.
No hay ninguna razón para preocuparte cuando visitas la oficina del dentista, ¡tu dentista e higienista dental son amables! Durante tu visita al dentista, es posible que puedas mirar la televisión o incluso escuchar música. Scout está compartiendo su lista de canciones que escucha cuando visita al dentista. Él ha dejado algunos espacios en blanco para que tú puedas escribir las canciones favoritas tuyas.
Review this worksheet to see who you will meet at the dental office and what you can expect to happen while you are there.
Revisa esta hoja de trabajo para ver quién encontrarás en el consultorio dental y qué puedes esperar que suceda mientras estés allí.