Here are some hand guides and worksheets to download and explore at home, or in the classroom!

Cut out this tooth tracker to keep track of your lost teeth. Be creative, color the teeth that you have lost, write down the date or where you lost the tooth.
Recorta este registro de dientes para indicar los dientes que has perdido. Puedes usar creatividad, colorear, escribir la fecha, o anotar el lugar dónde se te cayó cada diente.
Here are all our tooth trackers, so you can pick your favorite!
Aquí están todos nuestros registros de dientes, para que puedas elegir tu favorito.

Different stages of a Baby’s 1st year and what to expect with their oral health milestones.

When a dentist looks at our teeth, our teeth can tell them a lot about our body.

Did you know that your mouth is connected to your body. There are different organs in your body that can be affected by your oral health. This worksheet shows you how your oral health plays a big role on your overall health.

Check out this worksheet to see how your mouth is always fighting off gross germs and bacteria.

This worksheet provides an explanation of how sealants protect your teeth and when someone might need braces.

My friend, Tooth, gives you a closer look to what’s inside every tooth.

Let’s check out a day in the life of a tooth. Charlie Canine will walk us through his day while he hangs out in the mouth of 10-year-old Cooper.

Draw the hour and minute hands on each clock to show what time you should do each healthy activity.
Dibuja las manecillas de hora y minuto en cada reloj para mostrar a qué hora debes hacer cada actividad saludable.

See if you can tell the difference between fact and myth when it comes to keeping your teeth and mouth healthy and clean.
A ver si puedes notar la diferencia entre los hechos y los mitos cuando se trata de mantener los dientes y la boca sanos y limpios.

Use your fine motor skills to cut out these trading cards so you can get to know more about your teeth. Match each card with the correct tooth.
Usa tus habilidades motoras finas para recortar estas tarjetitas y revelar más información sobre los dientes. Después puedes emparejar cada tarjeta con el diente correcto.

Follow the llama language key to unlock the special message that Scott has for you.
Sigue la clave del idioma LLAMA para revelar el mensaje especial que Scott tiene para ti.

Be creative and help kids keep their teeth healthy by drawing toothbrushes in their hands. Don’t forget to cut out the tooth tracker to keep track of your lost teeth.

Buddy has made up some rhymes that will help you learn how to keep cavities away, but he needs your help filling in the last word.
Buddy ha inventado algunas rimas que te ayudarán a aprender cómo evitar las caries, pero necesita tu ayuda para escribir la última palabra.

What if your teeth could talk, what do you think they would say?
Si los dientes de tu boca pudieran hablarte, ¿qué crees que te dirían?